Bouquet Recipes
Hello Everyone!
I'm floral designer, gardener and your flower bouquet coach. I'm so glad you're here. Let's enrich your bouquet skills together! Read my story
I had a great opportunity to decorate the flower wall backdrop for a light blue summer wedding back in 2019, and I always wanted to share this flower recipe in case you’re ever asked to do the same by your brides. The wall was crafted by the bride’s dad, and it was impressive!
This 8 feet wide and 8 feet high wooden wall became a signature item for her wedding, looking even more pretty and cheerful in person😊
Today, I’ll share how I prepared the flowers for this decoration in advance and how we quickly added them to the wall on-site!
I already had 6-inch height glass test tubes in my studio, so we utilized them to prepare the materials two days before the wedding. Our talented lead flower designer Alicia selected each type of cut flower and trimmed the stems to about 6-8 inches below the flower heads.
She then inserted one, two, or sometimes three stems together in the tube, especially if the stems were very skinny or the flowers were small, ensuring a nice fit. After adjusting the height and density in the tube, she lightly tied them together with floral tape and placed them in small buckets, keeping each bundle separated, then kept them in the flower cooler.
On the wedding day, we transported the buckets filled with bundles. The wall with 56 tubes was already set up in the reception room at the venue.
First, Alicia added water to each tube. Then, she picked up the small flower bundles one by one, removed the floral tape, and inserted them into the tubes. I can’t remember how the tubes were attached on the wall; I guess with velcro tapes, but some of them slid down when she added heavy flowers like Dahlias.
So she was looking for tape as we didn’t have any, but luckily, we could borrow white masking tape from the venue and used it to secure all the tubes on the wall. The wall was a pure white color, so the tape wasn’t very visible and looked nice and secure. As a side note, I recommend always bringing masking tape or another alternative tool for just in case!
Also, please check out the bride’s bouquet recipe from this beautiful summer blue wedding by following the link below! 😊
© 2025 Koko Floral Design, LLC
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I'm so glad you're here. Let's elevate your bouquet-making skill together!